Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Momentous Day

What a wonderful day this has been...

First, our country and the world watched our new President whether they were standing, freezing, on the mall in front of the Capital or the streets of D.C., or on the numerous television stations, or - like me - streaming live on the internet. I'm so happy that I was able to watch our very first African-American President being sworn into the office. With him comes all the hopes and dreams of Americans, young and old, all faiths, all religions, and the hopes of the world, that rest on his strong shoulders. A younger President with a beautiful family who understands all of us and what we go through. He has been there in his lifetime. He knows the struggles many face to get through a simple day and a year. He understands about the issues we are all facing.

Welcome to the presidency and Oval Office, President Barack Obama!

I'm glad to see him as our leader. I know he will help change things for the better. I can see that President Obama understands and connects to the everyperson. Me - a newly published author, single and struggling daily to make ends meet. My parents - a middle class family also struggling. He understands the millions who watched him take the oath - even with a little oops and hiccup in the middle - and promise to defend and lead us and our country. He has the charisma and the charm to lead our country and I hope he has the strength and power to push through the changes we need through the red-tape bureacracy that must also change and update itself to meet the needs of the people and country they all serve.

The second wonderful thing... It's a bit more personal for me. An accomplishment and a dream come true.

My story - From Seductive to Prim - is now available in an anthology - Power Plays. It is published by Ravenous Romance ( http://www.ravenousromance.com/ ). It is the Book of the Day!

Steamy and seductive, these are all stories of politics and sex. As we all know, in one form or another, these two are forever entwined. For mine is a story of modern love, a Governor gets an erotic surprise on the way to a dinner by the last person he expected would become so sensual and forward.

I would love to know what you thought of it.

Hugs to all! Congrats once more to our new President!

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